Herbie Hancock and the Headhunters November 1974 on Radio Sendesaal


One of the things I periodically do here at the music blog is revisit some of the things I picked up when I used to do a lot of tape-trading. Years ago, I picked up this little three-song Herbie Hancock and the Headhunters radio appearance and it’s been one of my favorite live recordings for a long time.

There’s something undeniable about Herbie Hancock and the Headhunters. Primordial, gutteral, visceral, groove-yo-booty stuff right here. Even Pitchfork agrees.

Today, for your interstellar auditory transport, we present: Herbie Hancock and the Headhunters November 1974 on Radio Sendesaal. I don’t know if live Herbie shows are your sort of thing, but if they are, I highly recommend visiting the Herbie Hancock section over at the blogspot (yes, that’s still a thing) Never Enough Rhodes, which is currently up to 53 concert recordings!

At only 3 songs and 39 minutes, this one deserves to be on repeat.

Herbie Hancock and the Headhunters
Herbie Hancock and the Headhunters
Herbie Hancock and the Headhunters

Today’s little nugget features:

  • Herbie Hancock - keyboards

  • Bennie Maupin - reeds

  • Paul Jackson - bass

  • Mike Clark - drums

  • Bill Summers - percussion

If this type of thing whets your whistle, you might want to head over to Aquarium Drunkard and watch video from the same tour.

  • Visit Herbie Hancock’s official website.

  • Visit Herbie Hancock at Facebook.

  • Follow Herbie Hancock at Twitter.

  • Purchase Herbie Hancock’s music at Amazon.