Musical Worldview: Vigilantes of Love, "Black Cloud O'er Me"


“Yeah, and pride she's a pit of many snakes
And reason, well, she's still the devil's whore
Though the cannonball may fly
And the sabers baptize
Well, turn the eyes of faith upon the Lord”

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Musical Worldview: Vigilantes of Love, "She Walks On Roses"


“Got a skeleton closet
we've got a dreaded disease
I been looking high and low
for my skeleton key
And they say that pride
well it is the chief of sins
Well I know all of his deputies
I'm well acquainted with them”

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Musical Worldview: Vigilantes of Love, "You Give It All Your Heart" (Live Buechner Edition)


Bill Mallonee says on his Facebook:

“One of the most wonderful & engaging passages I've ever read by Frederick Buechner. It's about Hosea's wife, Gomer.

Seriously, enjoy...~b …

“GOMER WAS ALWAYS GOOD COMPANY—a little heavy with the lipstick maybe, a little less than choosy about men and booze, a little loud, but great at a party and always good for a laugh. Then the prophet Hosea came along wearing a sandwich board that read "The End Is at Hand" on one side and "Watch Out" on the other.

The first time he asked her to marry him, she thought he was kidding. The second time she knew he was serious, but thought he was crazy. The third time she said yes. He wasn't exactly a swinger, but he had a kind face, and he was generous, and he wasn't all that crazier than everybody else. Besides, any fool could see he loved her.

Give or take a little, she even loved him back for a while, and they had three children, whom Hosea named with queer names like Not-pitied-for-God-will-no-longer-pity-Israel-now-that-it's-gone-to-the-dogs so that every time the roll was called at school, Hosea would be scoring a prophetic bull's-eye in absentia. But everybody could see the marriage wasn't going to last, and it didn't.

While Hosea was off hitting the sawdust trail, Gomer took to hitting as many night spots as she could squeeze into a night, and any resemblance between her next batch of children and Hosea was purely coincidental. It almost killed him, of course. Every time he raised a hand to her, he burst into tears. Every time she raised one to him, he was the one who ended up apologizing.

He tried locking her out of the house a few times when she wasn't in by five in the morning, but he always opened the door when she finally showed up and helped get her to bed if she couldn't see straight enough to get there herself. Then one day she didn't show up at all.

He swore that this time he was through with her for keeps, but of course he wasn't. When he finally found her, she was lying passed out in a highly specialized establishment located above an adult bookstore, and he had to pay the management plenty to let her out of her contract. She'd lost her front teeth and picked up some scars you had to see to believe, but Hosea had her back again and that seemed to be all that mattered.

He changed his sandwich board to read "God Is Love" on one side and "There's No End to It" on the other, and when he stood on the street corner belting out

How can I give you up, O Ephraim!
How can I hand you over, O Israel!
For I am God and no mortal,
The Holy One in your midst.
(Hosea 11:8-9)

Nobody can say how many converts he made, but one thing that's for sure is that, including Gomer's, there was seldom a dry eye in the house.

(Hosea 1-3; 11)”

-Originally published in Peculiar Treasures and later in Beyond Words


Recording from Vigilantes of Love Live at The Be Here Now on 2000-04-14 available at the Live Music Archive.

You Give It All Your Heart (Live Buechner Version)
Vigilantes of Love
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Musical Worldview: Vigilantes of Love, "Nothing Like A Train"


“You can map the lay of the land
Yeah, you can describe the sad terrain
Let us survey all the borders
Yeah, but it all still looks the same
When you find there's nothing special
Yeah, about that big hole in your heart
'Cause everybody's got one
With precious little time to talk about it”

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